
I started this blog to talk about things like my experiences going back to school, interesting issues that happen in the news, and my travel adventures.

Well, I’ve failed miserably.

My second semester of school is winding down and I have yet to post anything about it.

The United Airlines fiasco was a good opportunity to talk about contract law, but I kept my comments to Facebook and Twitter.

And travel… well, I guess I can salvage that – I am taking my next trip in two weeks. I was talked into attending the ACC Europe Conference in Cascais, Portugal, so I am taking some extra time to travel. I’ll head first to Edinburgh, so I can see my school in person. Then it’s off to London (which I have been hesitant to visit because of painful memories tied to the city/region) for 4 days. Then I head down to Portugal. After the conference, I’ll spend a few extra days in Lisbon.

So we’ll see… I’ll try to be better at finding time to do this blogging thing. For now, I’ve got an exam to work on…

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